The huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is dominating the news, but what if I told you your skincare and makeup had that same crude oil as well as other harmful chemicals and animal by-products in them? Would you still use those products?
Unfortunately, most products that aren't natural or botanically-based do contain these harmful ingredients. In Europe, there are over 1,100 chemicals banned from their skincare products, while the US has banned a mere 9!!! European countries like Switzerland have always enjoyed a much higher standard when it comes to their skincare and food products. And the results can easily be seen in the way the women there carry themselves. Last Wednesday, the New York Times listed 10 Ways to Age Like a Frenchwoman. The article said French women simply take better care of themselves by using lotions and hydrating creams for the face and body and never soap.
Getting back to oil that's put into skincare. An oil is any substance that remains in a liquid state at room temperature and that is insoluble in water. In other words, it floats on top. Skincare and cosmetic products need an oil in their cleansers and moisturizers. The three most popular oils used in the cosmetic industry are: mineral oil, vegetable oil and essential oil.
Mineral oil is a liquid petrolatum (crude black oil from the ground) and is the same oil we use for gasoline in our cars. Mineral oil is a lightweight, inexpensive oil that is odorless and tasteless and is used in almost all skincare and cosmetics. Mineral oil comes in different forms and has many different names. Go look at the ingredient lists on your skincare products and this is most likely one of the top three ingredients even though it is banned in Europe. Mineral oil doesn't add any moisture to the skin. Putting mineral oil on your skin may make it feel moisturized but it blocks the skin from ever receiving moisture, making your skin dry and ages it. In addition, it deprives your skin of the nutrients it needs and blocks your skin from releasing toxins. This can result in toxins remaining in your body.

Crude oil, harmful ingredients and dead animals are in a majority of personal care products.
Arbonne doesn't use petroleum-based oil ingredients like mineral oil. Instead, Arbonne's oils include vegetable (derived from plants and naturally contain vitamins, minerals, nutrients and essential fatty acids) as well as essential oils (oils derived from leaves, bark, roots and other aromatic portions of the plant) in its formulations because of Arbonne's botanical-based heritage and because of the many additional healthy benefits plant oils can bring to the skin.
Everything you put on your skin is absorbed into the blood stream within 30 seconds. Shame on skincare and cosmetic companies for including toxic ingredients in their products to save a few bucks.
Imagine this. It's cold and pouring rain outside. Would you rather be standing under an umbrella in that rain? Or would you rather be in your favorite chair, watching your favorite movie, eating your favorite foods? In each scenario, you are protect from the rain. All good. So do you want to be just protect or would you want to be protected, comfortable and nourished all at the same time. What's your choice?
Hopefully by now you're feeling a bit disappointed and wondering what to do? You can actually start by using something that works better than what you're currently using and is safer. Arbonne has completely blown me away. I sleep better knowing I'm not putting harmful chemicals or animal fat on my skin. All of Arbonne's products are formulated in Switzerland who have much higher standards than the US, but they are made here.